Buntod Campbar in Sitio Kaandany, Brgy. Tanañas boasts an exquisite view of San Fernando’s beautiful mountain ridges.  The wide skyline, the lush green vegetation from afar, and the big chunks of clouds hovering just above the mountains create a therapeutic picture of nature.


  • No approved booking, no camping.
  • No face mask, no entry. Also, prepare to submit yourself for proper sanitation upon entry.
  • They are only accepting 6 group of campers with maximum members of five.
  • Limited rentable tents only (first come first serve basis)
    • 1 tent – good for 4
    • 2 tents – good for 2
  • There is no access of electricity in the area, so all campers are advised to bring their own portable source of power.
  • There is no available food as of now, but there are “chichirya” and soft drinks for sale. You can bring your own food.
  • Strictly no bringing of liquor.



  • Entrance fee: P50/head
  • Camping: P150/head (entrance fee included)
    • 20% off for groups with 5 members
  • Tent: P200

Exact Location: Brgy Tananas, San Fernando, Cebu